Thursday, September 9, 2004

Bomb That Freight

Trainspotting, not the movie. Right outside my current office lays a few sets of railroad tracks. The occasional magical glimpse leaves me checking the tracks like the weather channel. Every so often I get the view of some of the most amazing collaborative graphic design I’ve ever seen. Juxtaposed against flat industrial colors, clear-concise identification and some of the best/most abbreviated transportation logos known to man are the very colorfully chaotic, wonderfully garish tags, bombs, pieces ever produced by an aerosol can. These graffiti artists sometimes flip me right out. What makes it perfect is the placement on the canvas always says excellent design in its polar opposites simultaneously. Freedom and conformity, post-mod and mod, cause and effect, static and movement, order and chaos - like I said, flips me right out. They are like moving museum pieces randomly exposing themselves to the urban sprawl. Inspiring!

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